We don’t necessarily agree with every statement in every article, but these articles are presented as containing sound information, to help you make up your own mind. Articles of special note are marked with *
Atmospheric Aerosols - Past and Present (click to show/hide)
Chemtrails Summary
Possible Agendas
Chemtrail Overview 2001
* Face the Facts on Chemtrails 2007
Chemtrails – 2009 New England
* Ten Years Into the Chemtrail Wars
* Another Chemtrails Illusion – 2011
Chemtrails An Updated Look – 2011
Chemtrails – Govt Report 2011
* Chem-Bombs Replace Chemtrails
Chemtrails – The Ongoing Crime
* Why Chemtrails?
* Chemtrails & Toxic Coal-Fly-Ash
Herndon Interview 09/2015
Chemtrail Forecasting Made Easy
Chemtrails – The Ignored Conspiracy
* Nano-Chemtrails – Will Thomas
NASA and Climate Modification – 1966
* Tesla Weather Control Since 1990
* Aerial Spraying and Timelines
* Evergreen & Weather Control Timeline
Chemtrails – Call to Action
Chemtrails – The Short Scoop
* Unanswered Chemtrail Questions
* What in the World Are They Spraying?
Phoenix Air Test – Twietmeyer
Aerosol Particle’s Composition
Dept.of Defense Weather Programs
* Project CloverLeaf – 1994 to Present
Chemtrails Up Close
* Astronomer Chemtrail Closeup
Chemtrails Over America’s Playgrounds
Chemtrail Spray Plane
Chemtrail Plane Photos
Chemtrail Pilot Confesses
* Chemtrails and Jet Engines
Predicting Conditions for Contrails
Weather Modification in AZ
Karen Warnick, The Pioneer in Pinetop:
Chemtrails in Arizona – 1
Chemtrails in Arizona – 2
Chemtrails in Arizona – Why?
Gov’t Open-Air Tests on US
The Global Food Crisis
Right of the People to be Heard
Exposing Toxin Releases
* AZ Legislators & Chemtrails
The Beloit News on Chemtrails
Viewers Call Bakersfield News
The Chemtrail Smoking Gun
AZ Weather Mod Permit & Fees
* What Chemtrails Really Are
Use of Barium
Barium and Weather Modification
Barium Verification
Barium Assault
NASA Admits Spraying Lithium
* Aerosol Devices & Components
Weather Modification in Serbia War
Global Tropospheric Experiment
Weather Modification Assn Rpt 2004
Aerial Spray over Louisiana
Aerosols Over Norwich
England was Sprayed
Aerosol Spraying over the U.K.
Atmospheric Aerosol Effects -- Environment (click to show/hide)
Coal Tar Information
Chemtrail Terror
* Chemtrails Causing Drought
* Weather Modification and Wild Fires
Tampering Causes Extreme Weather?
Blocked Jet Stream, Freak Weather
Deliberately Wrecked Weather
Sky ‘Sparklies’ and ‘Webs’
* Chemtrail Aerosol Filaments
* ElectroMagnetic Pollution
* Rainwater Analysis – Metals
ELF Effects on Geese
* EMF Killing Honeybees
Peanut Butter and Barium
The Demise of Natural Earth
Oxygen Depletion via Chemtrails
Aluminum Aerosols and Phytoplankton
Barium Found in Antlers
Where Are the Natural Clouds?
Metals Cause Noctilucent Clouds
“Contrails” Boost Global Warming
* Artificial Atmospheric Ionization
Blocking the Sun
* Global Dimming
Global Dimming – NOVA
Are Skies Dimming Over Earth?
Diminished Solar Capacities
Dead Birds Raining Down
Fungus and Frogs
Invisible Clouds in Europe
JP8 Jet Fuel Hazards
Visible Cloud Effects in Alaska
World’s Worst Thunder Storms
California Drought and Profit
Barium Piezo-Electric Effect
Piezo-Electric Discharges and Earthquakes
Atmospheric Aerosol Effects -- Health (click to show/hide)
* Morgellons/Chemtrail Remedies – Gwen Scott
* Gwen Scott’s Flu Protocol
* Gwen Scott’s Wine Update
* For Health Effects of the Metals – See Our AZ Test Results Page
Gallium – Indium Antennas (in us?)
Barium Health Impact
Chronic Barium and MS
Aerosols Are Poisoning Us
Actress Dies from Heavy Metals
Strokes in our Youth
The Human Brain on Chemtrails
Neuro-Degenerative Chemtrails
* Maricopa County 5 yr Health Trends
Alzheimers Spike In Los Angeles
Alzheimers Epidemic In Czech Republic
Chemtrails – Blood Effects
Chemtrails – Health Effects
Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA
* EMF Radiation Health Hazards
Lyme Disease BioWarfare Interview
* USDA – Global Food Crisis
EM Weapons & Human Rights
* Anti-Chemtrail Health Tips
Toxic Metals Effects
Genetic Modification of Humans
Atmospheric Aerosols & The Transhuman Agenda (click to show/hide)
* Transhumanism – A New Human Race
* Morgellons and Transhumanism
* Morgellons GMO Transhumanism
* Transhumanism and Genetic Engineering
* Vaccines – AI = Transhumanism
* Chemtrails and Nano-bot Technology
* Self-Replicating Nano-Fibers
* Cell Phone – Psychotronic Weapon
Psyop and Total Control
The Synthetic Rewrite of Nature
* Transhumanism and Spirituality
* Transhumanism – MK-Ultra to Google
* Morgellons & Chemtrails Are Linked
* Morgellons, Chemtrails, Transhumanism
* Morgellons Throwbacks to Origins
* Plaques, Quantum Dots, & Smart Dust
* Morgellons & Chemtrails – Carnicom
Carnicom – Fiber Analysis
* Synthetic Polymer BioEngineering
* Morgellons & Blood – Carnicom
* Morgellons & Chemtrails 2011
* A Morgellons Designer Speaks
Morgellons, Now Our Children
Morgellons Fiber Culture Breakthrough
The Morgellons Nightmare
Morgellons Victims – US & Europe
* Morgellons – Oddities and Ends
* Morgellons – Hexagons and Nanos
* Morgellons Fiber Specimens
* The US Army and Morgellons
* Morgellons and the CIA
Neural Smart Dust – Intro
Neural Smart Dust – Brain-Machine
Are People Changing?
US Army Chaff – Morgellons Patents
Open Air War Against You and Your Loved Ones (click to show/hide)
Weather Warfare – 2001
* Weather Warfare – 2004
Weather Warfare – 2007
Electromagnetic Weapons to 1993
Scalar EM Weapons History
* CAL Fires & Weather Weapons
* Engineered CAL Firestorms
* Hurricane Harvey Weather Manipulation
* Operation Rain Dance
* Nano-Weapons of Mass Destruction
* Chemtrails & Nuclear War
Military Electronic Warfare
* Agenda 21 – Substitute for War
* Agenda 21 and Global Dictatorship
Agenda 21 and Weather Warfare
* Weather Modification = WMD – 1 2 3
Divide-and-Conquer with Weather
* Gulf Aerial Spraying – Act of War
* Agenda 21 in the Gulf – 1 2 3
Genocide in the Gulf
* MITRE – Manhattan Chemtrail Project
* Manhattan Chemtrail Project-1
* Manhattan Chemtrail Project-2
* Manhattan Chemtrail Project Agendas
Military Wants to Own the Weather
Navy Electromagnetic War Games
Weather as a Weapon
The Ionosphere and Space War
HAARP and the Japan Quakes
Japan Earthquake HAARP-Induced
Chemtrails and Nanofibers —
The Air Force Wants Your LOV
Chemtrails and Microchips
Depleted Uranium Exposed
DU – Crime Against Wisdom
Chemtrail Military Operation
Owning the Weather
A.F. Weather Risk Event Contracts
Weather Warfare Happening Now?
Weather Warfare and Relocation
Environmental Warfare & U.S. Policy
Environmental Warfare Links
Nano – Chemtrails
Biological Warfare Methods
* Chemtrails & Horizontal Gene Txfer
* History of US Medical Experiments
History of Secret Experiments on US
Cover-up and Human Experiments
Aerial Spraying of Pesticides
Disease/Vaccine War Against the Human Race (click to show/hide)
Dangers in the Shots
* Adjuvant Dangers
* Ex-Vaccine Researcher Interview
Vaccines – Chemical Ingredients
Childhood Vaccine Illness
CDC Vaccines Coverup
CDC and the Flu Hoax
* VAXXED Documentary
Vaccines Suppress Immune System
Junk Science and the W.H.O.
Vaccine Liability Immunity
Squalene – Vaccines Dirty Little Secret
* Squalene and Gulf War Syndrome
Squalene in GWS Blood tests
* Novartis – Swine Flu Man-Made
Squalene – The Gulf War Mystery
Anti-HIV Squalene in Gulf War Vets
* Squalene Antibodies in GWS
Vaccines and Adjuvants – Order Qty
Previous Home-Made Posts (click to show/hide)
* Freedom to Know the Truth
* Natural-Born Humans Under Attack
* Yes, We Are Being Sprayed
* The Way I See It
* Being Green vs. Our Families
* Chemtrails and Morgellons – from Blue
* Geo-Engineering Climate Change
* Don’t Take the Vaccine!
For Your Use in Fighting for the Truth (click to show/hide)
Air Samples to Grab Morgellons Fibers
Methods for Testing Trees
Ideas for Fighting Chemtrails
* Letter to Az. State Legislators
* The Delphi Technique – Group Control
* Vaccination Consent Form
Arguments vs. Chemtrail Deniers
Petition Vs. Mandatory Vaccinations (Save to a file, or print landscape / legal size, no headers or footers, minimum margins)
F.O.I.A. Request Letter on Chemtrails (Put your own Congressman / Senator’s Name and Address, State or National)
Petition Vs. Weather Modification (Save to a file, or print landscape / legal size, no headers or footers, minimum margins)
Petition – Betty Westman’s Version (Save to a file, or print landscape, no headers or footers, minimum margins)
Petition Re: Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (Save to a file, or print landscape / legal size, no headers or footers, minimum margins)
EPA Safe Cleanup for Broken CFL’s
Anti Smart-Meter Letter #1 – Arizona (Save to a file, or print)
Anti Smart-Meter Letter #2 – Arizona (Save to a file, or print)
Letter to Congressman Re: HR1019 (Print all margins = .75)
Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act
Complain to the EPA (link)
Public Servants Questionnaire (Use for all government agents requesting personal info)
Pete’s Letter to the Editor (Print all margins = .75)
Judy’s Chemtrail Flier – Page 1
Judy’s Chemtrail Flier – Page 2
Az Resolution – State Sovereignty
Az Senate Bill vs. NDAA
HAARP and Other Electromagnetic Weapons (click to show/hide)
HAARP Background – Bertell
Early HAARP Summary
HAARP and Chemtrail Connection
HAARP – Weather Ctl EMF Weapon
* HAARP – Digital Stepping
Electromagnetic Energy in the Air
NASA Pics of HAARP Waves
* HAARP Causing Hurricanes
HAARP Capabilities and History
* Fukushima Cover for HAARP
Scalar Wars – Tom Beardon
* HAARP – Geo-Physical Weapon
* HAARP – Tesla Earthquake Machine
* Genetic Defects and HAARP
* HAARP – Vandalism in the Sky
* Electrosmog Threat to Nature
* HAARP Resonance Threat to Earth
HAARP and the Japan Quake
HAARP Beams Fuku-Radiation
HAARP and Digital Stepping
HAARP – VLF Interferometry
HAARP 1995 Popular Science
HAARP Affects HF Propagation?
HAARP Heating Electrons
Stanford Confirms Iono-Heating
HAARP – Artificial Ionosphere
* HAARP Left Out of Climate Debate
* HAARP Manipulates & Snoops
HAARP Air Force Agenda
Antarctic HAARP Activation
DE Weapons and Melting Ice Caps
DE Weapons on 9-11
HAARP in Venezuela – 2005
Multiple HAARP Sites
HAARP Locations Round the World
* Bernard Eastlund Lecture (1 min. to load)
* HAARP and Bees’ Colony Collapse
HAARP Murdering Sea Life
* Mind Control Technologies – Begich
ELF Mind Control Primer
Mind Control Technology
Project Bluebeam Basics
* Proj Bluebeam & New World Religion
Austrian Med Assn EMF Guidelines
Cell Tower Radiation Dangers – 2010
Cell Tower Dangers to Health
EM Frequencies and Your Brain
The Wireless Toxification of America
GWEN Tower Disguises
* GWEN Tower Health Hazards
GWEN Towers and Suicides
GWEN – A View from 1990
* Anti Smart Meters
AAEM vs. Smart Meters
* Smart Meter Info
* Smart Meter Warnings
* Smart Meters Effect on Health
Smart Meters vs. Heart
* Smart Meter Health Effects Rpt
* Smart Meter Dangers
Smart Meters Fail AZ
* Global Smart Grid & Carbon Tax
Smart Grid – Total Control
PG&E Removing Smart Meters
Chemtrail and HAARP Patents (click to show/hide)
Chemtrail Generator Patent – Text
Chemtrail Generator Patent – Diagrams
Artificial Particles Patent
Artificial Ionization Patent
Chemtrail-Related Patents
More Chemtrail-Related Patents
Geo-Engineering Patents
Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails
Weather Control Patents
Mind Control Patents
* Aerosol Programs Patents
* Welsbach (Chemtrail) Patent
* HAARP Main Patent
* HAARP-Related Patents
* HAARP Capabilities in its Patent
Geo-Engineering (aka Exotic Weapons Systems) Operations (click to show/hide)
* Exotic Weapon, Not Geoengineering
Geo-Engineering Manhattan Project
Controlling the Climate
CFR Geo-Engineering Schemes – 2008
More Geo-Engineering Schemes – 2009
CFR Geo-Engineering Option – 2009
Geo-Engineering Governance and Technology Policy
Geo-Engineering Timeline from 1886
Geo-Engineering Ozone Depletion
Geo-Engineering Does Not Stop
* Geo-Engineered Global Warming
Block the Sun to Fight Global Warming
Hi-Mems Insect Bionics Scheme
* GM Aluminum-Resistant Crops
Monsanto and Agenda 21
* Climate Engineering 1996
Electromagnetic Climate Experiment
Purposely Melting Polar Ice Caps-1
Purposely Melting Polar Ice Caps-2
Secret War on Climate
Louisiana Flood Engineered
Iron – Unintended Consequences
Sulphur to “Fix” Global Warming
Trying to Mimic Volcanos
Arrogant, Odious Climate Engineering
The Climate Engineers
Cloud Seeding is Harmful
* The Dark Side of CFL’s
* CFL vs. Incandescent Bulbs
CFL’s are Poisoning Workers
Geo-Engineering Misinfo (See How They Work) (click to show/hide)
* Arizona EPA Doesn’t Measure – Original
* Arizona EPA Doesn’t Measure – with Comments
* Aerial Spraying & Propaganda
* Climate Change Geo-Engineering Deceptions
* IPCC GW Deception – Herndon
NASA Contrail Propaganda
GW Book Deceives Children
USAF Contrail “Facts” – 2001
Military “Answers” to Chemtrails
Pentagon Creates Threat & Solution
DOD to Fight Global Warming
Pope Urges Action on GW
NASA explains Wild Weather
Cloud Appreciation Society 05/2007
Science Czar Promotes Chemtrails
Geoengineering Regulation Agenda
Debunking Chemtrails
Fraudulent Normalizing Chemtrails
Oh Beautiful for Chemtrailed Skies
TIME – Another Ice Age Coming – 1974
GW Fan Promoted Ice Age in 1978
Newsweek – Global Cooling – 1975
* Morphing of the Chemtrail Coverup
The Global Warming / Climate Change Swindle (click to show/hide)
* How the Global Warming Scam Began
* Environment Mod & Climate Change
* In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
* CO2 is NOT a Pollutant
* Do Not Blame CO2
* CO2 NOT Drive Global Warming
* Earth is in a CO2 Famine
CO2 Accord = Planet Genocide
* The Great Green Con – WRONG
* Green Cult’s Poisonous Materials
* Chinese Tree-Ring Study
The Agenda Behind Gore
Myths of Global Warming
Can We Survive Technology?
Weaponized Global Warming?
No Global Warming Now
Flawed Science in Climate Change Study
Global Warming Fraud from NOAA
* So Much Blamed on Global Warming
* Playing the Global Warming Card
* Global Warming Hoax Again
Save the Environment from Gore
Global Warming & Military Technology
* ClimateGate – Caught Green-Handed
Climategate Ignored
* One Volcano Exposes GW Fraud
* The Hockey Stick Lie
Warmest Years = Pre-WWII
CO2 and the Canary
The Plain Truth About CO2
* Al Gore, the UN, and Gaia
Gorbachev and New World Religion
The Al Gore GW Money Machine
World Bank & Carbon Credit Scam
Al Gore Boasts Global Governance
UN Global Climate Change Plan
UN Green Economy – Agenda 21
* UN Global Warming Agenda 21 Hoax
UN Climate Regime
* Population Reduction & Zero CO2
* ICLEI UN Treay with US Cities
Top Climatologists – No Global Warming
The Ruins of the IPCC
* Global Warming Fraud in Spokane
NASA Admits GW is from the Sun
The Price of Global Warming Dissent
EPA Shuts Up Its Own Expert
EPA Whistleblower (cont’d)
Green Campaign is Killing the World
Gore and the Myanmar Cyclone
The Global Warming Scam in Britain
Senate Report Against Global Warming
* Scientists Reject Global Warming Lie
Scientists Deny GW To Congress
Alleged Global Warming Consensus
Global Warming Consensus – Not
Scientists Debunk GW Paris
Why Copenhagen Failed
Science for Sale
The Union of Concerned Scientists
Climate of Fear for Scientists
The Kyoto Fraud
Global Warming Convenient Lie
Global Warming Disproved
Crops Are Being Stressed by Cold
What Al Gore Hasn’t Told You
We the People Speaking Out (click to show/hide)
Arizona Anti-Chemtrail Hearing
Shasta County Meeting
FLA Requires Weather-Mod Permit
R.I. Geo-Engineering Act 2017
Chemtrail Pilot – “Indigo Skyfold”
LA Cell Towers Opposition
Morgellons Email – Cynthia
Against Vaccines
Desert Moon Rings
100X Aluminum in Chemtrails
AZ Congressman Hears
People of Queen Creek
Vicki from Tucson
Florencio from New Mexico
Low-Down Spraying in Phoenix
Fibers Tested in Chino Valley
Smart Meters & Regulatory Fraud
Letter to Congress Science Cmte
Carole’s Weather Forecast
Letter from Blue in Lakeside
“Flyboys” Poem from Jay in Yuma
Reference (click to show/hide)
Wikipedia on Chemtrails
Senate Bill 1807 – 2007
House Resolution 3445 – 2007
Senate Bill 517 – 2006
House Resolution 2995 – 2006
NASA Glossary 2001
* US Code Title 50, Ch.32 Sec.1520a