Liars, Damned Liars and Al Gore
Posted By: chugiiak
Date: Tuesday, 13 May 2008, 10:42 p.m. E-MAIL REC'D........
apparently an editorial from the 7
May 2008 AMERICAN THINKER Magazine written by Mr. Marc Sheppard ...
"Liars , Damned Liars and Al
It is time , way overdue , for the
Media to stop supporting Gore's senseless effort to blame Human populations ,
esp. the U.S.A. , for Global Warming .
All :
The real , 'inconvenient' Truth is
that the Earth has been cooling for the past Decade and likely to continue that
trend for the next Two or Three Decades in spite of the ill-intended balderdash
concocted by Left-wing politicians and distributed by their Mainstream Media
accomplices .
" Gore's Myanmar Words as
Inopportune as They Were Repulsive "
American Thinker ^ | May 07, 2008 | Marc Sheppard
Thirty days after Steve McIntyre caught N.A.S.A. 'cooking'
Climate History, again - This Time, in a feeble attempt to somehow conceal the
alarmist-embarrassing "downward" Trend since 1998 - -Al Gore
shamelessly portrayed Saturday's Myanmar cyclone catastrophe as a " consequence " of Global Warming.
A mere 16 days after N.A.S.A.'s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
confirmed that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation's 'Cool' phase shift would
likely bring Colder temperatures for as many as the next 20-30 years . Gore told NPR that: The "
trend toward stronger and more destructive storms "appears to be
linked" to global warming and specifically to the Impact of global warming
on higher Ocean temperatures . "
This just SIX Days after a German study also predicted
COOLER Ocean Temperatures due to the Meridianal
Overturning Circulation entering a weak cycle , and in spite of there being
absolutely No empirical Evidence of a Global Warming / Storm strength link .
Gore's monotonous, and baseless Account of AGW-forced
violent Cyclones and Hurricanes came just Two days after McIntyre reported that
Four of the past FIVE months were " 'all-time' Records for Southern
Hemisphere, SEA ICE " levels .
In fact , it was the very day after
Anthony Watts reported another false start to the distinctly overdue , Solar
Cycle 24. . . . a likely 'contributory factor' to Falling global temperatures
that the Nobel Peace Prize Winner exploited the Deaths of over 22,000 (
reported and still rising ) Human Beings to egoistically advance 'his'
threatened AGW Political Agenda while callously protecting his personal,
Financial Interest .
And with 41,000 reported Missing since Cyclone "Nargis" devastated the former Burma(
MYANMAR ) , the Death figures are sure to rise to unthinkable numbers . Meanwhile , the Nation's corrupt Military rulers are making
Aid Delivery to ease survivor misery nearly impossible .
And while these poor souls will undoubtedly see Years of
unimaginable suffering and the arduous rebuilding of over a Million destroyed homes , 'this' man - - who professes his desire to Save the
Planet - saw another Opportunity . That it arrived at the end of a One month
period in which 'another wheel' fell Off the "
Greenhouse gas Disinformation " bus almost daily, only adds to the
This was an astonishingly Nauseating display - - even for the likes of Gore .