Nervous-System Damage From the
Louise McCoy
Times Staff
October 18, 2012
Updated: November 19, 2012
A woman looks up at the mass of contrails
left by a jet aircraft crossing the sky above St. Michael's Tower near
Glastonbury, England. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
“Chemtrails” rain aluminum nanoparticles
on man, beast, and land.
The name chemtrails is a spin-off from contrails, which are
condensation trails left behind flying aircraft. There is credible evidence
that chemtrails are toxic to man, animals, and the
There is current concern
in the United States about the increasing number of neurodegenerative patients.
Since 2000, the number of Alzheimer’s patients has increased from 4.5 million
to 5.4 million in 2012, according to the
Alzheimer’s Association. One in
eight people 65 or older have Alzheimer’s. A yearly increase seems inevitable
because of the aging population, but environmental factors also play a role.
The article,
“Chemtrails, Nano-aluminum, and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects” by Russell Blaylock,
M.D., in the National Health Federation magazine “Health Freedom News” warns against
one of these environmental hazards: chemtrails.
Blaylock, who has retired
from neurosurgery to do research, write, and teach, began to notice chemtrails a few years ago and writes, “Of particular
concern is that there are now so many—dozens every day are littering the
skies.” Chemtrails are made from aerosols, usually
spread by non-passenger jets. What at first looks like contrails turns into
ribbons of clouds that spread out making the sky look over-cast. They contain
various toxic, and biological substances. Blaylock
concentrates on the effects of the nano-aluminum
particles, as mentioned in Part 2 of
Chemtrails Over Las Vegas in the August 26, 2005,
Las Vegas Tribune.
Chemtrails are not admitted as a
threat or as existing by governments, but their existence occasionally comes
out in the media. TV station KNBC Los Angeles, Calif. hosted
Toxic Sky with Paul Moyer, an account of sickness of children and
record amounts of barium and aluminum in the water supply after chemtrails were seen over San Bernardino.
In Aug. 2005 the
Las Vegas Tribune had a two-part
article detailing the chemtrails over Las Vegas, the ensuing chemtrails sickness, and previous chemtrail
history from other sources. In the Las Vegas Tribune report, the U.S. Air Force
on their website called chemtrails a “chemtrail hoax,” but “scientists working at Wright
Patterson Air Force Base confirmed to the Ohio newspaper, Columbus Alive, that
they were involved in aerial spraying experiments. One involved aluminum oxide
spraying related to global warming and the other involved barium stearate and had to do with high-tech military
Individuals who have
noticed health problems, die-off of livestock or crops concurrently with the
appearance of chemtrails have investigated on their
own, having their blood, soil, water, and atmosphere tests made to compare with
the norms. A compendium of these reports both documented and anecdotal is on
Strange Days Strange Skies online.
documentary film
What in the World Are They Spraying? produced
by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger
shows the impact on the environment of chemtrails.
For instance, the snow on Mount Shasta normally has 7 parts per billion (ppb)
of aluminum, but over the last four or five years it has increased to 61,000
Soil in northern
California is turning alkaline, disrupting the root systems of trees. Farmers
have noted that some plants will no longer grow in Hawaii. Fishermen see fewer
bugs for the fish. These are a few examples from the above documentary.
True to his specialty,
Blaylock chooses to write about the neurotoxin nano-aluminum,
one of the main ingredients of today’s chemtrails. He
states in his article that “studies have shown that these particles pass along
the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain
that is not only most affected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the earliest
affected in the course of the disease.”
Aluminum nanoparticles are also very easily absorbed from the GI
tract, unlike ordinary aluminum that is usually not absorbed. Because of their
small size, the nanoparticles can go through the
brain-blood barrier, penetrate cell membranes, and disrupt mitochondria.
Nanoparticles can accumulate in the
bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, and heart, as reported in
“Manufactured Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles Decrease Expression of Tight Junction
Proteins in Brain Vasculature,” published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (December 2008). When inhaled,
they inflame the lungs, bringing on asthma or other pulmonary ailments.
In his article, Blaylock
predicts an “explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in
adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental
disorders in our children” if these cloud projects are not stopped.
The danger to children is
the greatest since they are more likely to be outside. Also, they are smaller
and not fully developed. Some of the advice from the Stop Spraying California
website is to stay inside on chemtrail days, drink
lots of water, and eat ice cream.
Chelating foods that
flush toxic metals out of our systems such as chlorella and cilantro may help.
And remember to keep the immune system in top shape