and Horizontal Gene Transfer – The GMO Connection
Graphic by CMOR
Barbara H. Peterson
This is not a sci-fi fantasy, it is
real. Our personal DNA and the DNA of just about every living organism on the
planet is being changed in ways that we cannot even imagine through the process
of horizontal or lateral gene transfer, courtesy of the biotechnology industry and geo-engineering
Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genetic material from one organism to
another organism that is not its offspring; this is most common among bacteria.(
Horizontal gene transfer is used in
laboratory-based genetic engineering, and also occurs naturally, within the
confines of nature. When nature is in charge, certain things simply do not
happen such as a tomato crossing with a fish. In the laboratory, using
artificial horizontal gene transfer, anything goes.
Genetic engineering involves
designing artificial constructs to cross species barriers and to invade
genomes. In other words, it enhances horizontal gene transfer – the direct
transfer of genetic material to unrelated species. The artificial constructs or
transgenic DNA typically contain genetic material from bacteria, viruses and
other genetic parasites that cause diseases as well as antibiotic resistance
genes that make infectious diseases untreatable.
The results of these experiments are
inherently unstable, and are being unleashed with no oversight into our food
supply, and onto the world’s agricultural stage.
…genetic engineering in the laboratory is crude, imprecise and invasive. The rogue genes inserted into a genome to make a GMO could land anywhere; typically in a rearranged or defective form, scrambling and mutating the host genome, and tend to move or rearrange further once inserted. Transgene instability is a big problem, and has been so right from the beginning. There is fresh evidence that GM crops grown commercially for years have rearranged [15, 16] ( ( This is a real opportunity to challenge the validity of all biotech patents. Another key issue is safety. Transgene instability means that the original transgenic line has turned into something else, and even if it had been assessed as ‘safe’, this is no longer the case. (
Lab-based horizontal gene transfer
is completely foreign-to-nature. It creates genetic mutations arising from the
unnatural melding of species that should never cross to begin with. Using an
artificial process, genetic information is passed from one species to another
that would not normally occur. Bacteria then horizontally transfer this
unnatural genetic information to other bacteria and organisms. One place where
this transfer occurs regularly is in the soil.
Studies of horizontal gene exchange
in soil microcosms are important from several points of view. Firstly, the
increasing interest in the possible spread of GMOs (genetically modified
microorganisms) and antibiotic resistance traits has prompted researchers to study
genetic interactions between bacteria in a number of different habitats.
Secondly, horizontal gene transfer in soil may play a role in the evolution of
new bacterial traits. (
And what happens when GMO mutations
are let loose on our farmland? Does the horizontal gene transfer issue miraculously
disappear? The Monsantos of the world would have you think so. Think again. The
laws of nature are not suspended just because Monsanto says so.
image to enlarge)
Once GMOs are unleashed in the
environment, there is absolutely nothing to stop the natural occurrence of
horizontal gene transfer to non-GMO organisms, especially considering GMOs’
increased tendency to do so. And what this process produces is anyone’s guess.
There is a reason for the limits nature places on this type of thing, and we’ve
long since past those limits.
So, we are faced with the
ever-increasing genetic pollution of almost all organisms on planet earth from
GMOs, and if that isn’t enough, the horizontal gene transfer process, which is
spreading these mutations far and wide throughout a host of divergent species,
is being helped along by the pollutants being released into our atmosphere by
geo-engineering programs.
How is this possible?
…heat shock and pollutants such as
heavy metals can favor horizontal gene transfer; and the presence of antibiotics
can increase the frequency of horizontal gene transfer 10 to 10 000 fold.
What are the ingredients of the
aerosols typically seen in geo-engineering programs? You guessed it –
heavy metals such as barium.
…And just what are the conditions
imposed by these geo-engineering programs? You guessed it again –
stresses such as heat shock.
…And just what is abundantly used
specifically for genetic engineering? Bacteria
that carry antibiotic resistance genes.
Therefore, more and stronger antibiotics are being used, which increases – you
guessed it once again – horizontal gene transfer.
…And it just so happens that
has a patent (
covering abiotic stress caused by
these geo-engineering pollutants, which includes heat and drought, for
everything from apples to zucchini.
Shall we continue adding more fuel
to the already out of control fire? The biotechnology industry along with the U.S. government
seems to think so.
Can you see where this is heading?
Monsanto’s genetic mutations are
already susceptible to horizontal gene transfer. Combine this with
geo-engineering aerosols, which facilitate this transfer ability, and you have
the basic ingredients for what can be referred to as a
soup sandwich.
Frogs with five legs?
Cows with no tails?
We will be seeing more of them. We will also be seeing more unknown diseases,
untreatable by traditional medical standards.
The acquisition of foreign DNA by
horizontal transfer from unrelated organisms is a major source of variation
leading to new strains of bacterial pathogens.
Get ready, as we are in for one
helluva ride, folks! Hold onto your DNA just as hard as you can by avoiding
anything GMO, and spread the word. This is not something that can be ignored
for long, as mutations, genetic disorders and abnormalities, as well as health
issues can only increase with the rampant spread of transgenic organisms
(GMOs), and humans are not exempt. It’s time to put up the stop sign at your
own front door and just say NO to GMOs!
©2012 Barbara H. Peterson