Geo-Engineering and Weather Modification:
Secret War on Climate
by Judy Sopka
Weapons of mass destruction. Aluminum tubes, nuclear connections, scientific
cover-ups, secret commissions, secret rendition...the list goes on and on. If
there is one thing the bulk of America has learned over the last few years, it
is that we can count on our government to lie to us. For years, sky watchers
have been raising concerns, online and politically, about the jet trails that do
not disappear, yet instead spread out and become cloud cover. If there is one
thing we all can agree on, it is that our commercial jet travel should not be
creating our clouds. It just isn’t supposed to be so.But as with faulty
intelligence, the truth slowly leaks out:August 22, 2005: Canadian Action Party
Leader, Connie Fogal, condemns the use of aerial spraying of aluminum and barium
and whatever else in the sky for weather modification purposes and/or whatever
other undisclosed purposes.
On May 23, 2006, NBC Los Angeles
correspondent Paul Moyers aired his investigation into the chemtrail phenomenon.
His show, TOXIC SKY, was followed up in November. Moyer asks, “Is the government
manipulating the weather?”Early chemtrail reports started in 1991 and have
increased over the years until millions of people question their existence.
Online blogs and websites hash out the many theories that now ping pong
world-wide.But still, even today, if one mentions “Chemtrails” they may well be
labeled a conspiracy nut. Scientists though, escape ridicule by employing such
terms as Particulate Shield Experiment, Tropospheric Aerosol Project or Global
Dimming. The official label for atmospheric manipulation is now
“GEO-ENGINEERING”. The term encompasses chemical jet exhaust particulates as
well as dozens of other atmospheric experimentation projects.On Saturday,
November 18th and Sunday, November 19th, 2006, closed-door meetings were held in
order to review the subject of geo-engineering and to discuss this subject
without the public or the press in attendance. NASA required that this meeting
be held in secret.Following the secret sessions, a public meeting was held at
Stanford University, (Main Carnegie Seminar Room, in Palo Alto, California), on
Monday, November 20, 2006, 9:00 AM–12 Noon. Several guests that had presented
information or spoken in the previous closed-door meetings, attended this public
meeting to present their personal opinions and offer some insight into their
closed-door presentations.
One guest that spoke at Monday’s meeting was
Gregory Benford, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of
California, Irvine. Benford offers insight into secret geo-engineering
talks:“High altitude trials over the open ocean are little constrained by law or
treaty, so show-stopper politics may be avoided.Then there is Professor Crutzen,
Nobel Laureate. Crutzen has little faith in our corporate-dominated governments
address of the climate crisis. He believes that the “grossly disappointing”
political attempts to limit man-made greenhouse gases are so pitiful that a
radical contingency plan, an “escape route” is needed (August issue of the
journal Climate Change).Professor Crutzen proposes scattering sulfate particles
high into the stratosphere, there to act as tiny mirrors in order to reflect the
sun’s rays away from the Earth. This in turn, would cool the planet. His model
is based in part on the 1991 Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption which sent
thousands of tons of sulphur into the atmosphere causing global temperatures to
fall.This geo-engineered escape route seems undesirable and potentially
dangerous. The project resembles a lifeboat on a sinking ship.
members of congress have known about the secret chemtrail programs for years. In
fact right now, U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995 are being fast
tracked through washington. Both bills would allow experimental programs that
encompass the chemtrails that have existed for over a decade, and a whole lot
more. Both bills represent an “open check” for the powers that be, to experiment
on the American and global public.
Most chemtrail investigators are
suspicious of the recent public revelations of weather modification projects and
discussions of atmospheric particulate shielding. For them, years of heavy
global contamination projects must become transparent.
investigators have claimed that Barium and Aluminum were base formulas since the
mid 1990s, when glob-like samples began showing up in labs all over the
A recent California State Health Department test result states:”It
was discovered that Barium, Magnesium, Lead, Manganese, Aluminum, Iron, Sodium,
and Specific Conductance (the ability of water to conduct a charge), were being
found under unusual circumstances in our drinking water supplies. Unusual spikes
were occurring in almost all drinking water sources in Mendocino County and in
other counties throughout the State of California. These specific spikes started
in 1991, and have continued in certain specific years through 2006”
first year of spiking coincides exactly with the year many investigators say
that chemtrails first appeared behind jet aircraft.This quote is from the NSA
publication “Save the Earth” (1992):“One proposed solution to the problem of
global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles.
One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny
particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted
from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.
While this method would increase the reflection of visible light incident from
space, the metallic particles would trap the long wavelength blackbody radiation
released from the earth. This could result in net increase in global
warming.”Also in 1991, and possibly linked, is the patent registration by Hughes
Aircraft (United States Patent 5,003,186) for “Stratospheric Welsbach seeding
for reduction of global warming”In the “Background” section of the patent
information is the following description:“One proposed solution to the problem
of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic
particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the
tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be
emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising
altitude. While this method would increase the reflection of visible light
incident from space, the metallic particles would trap the long wavelength
blackbody radiation released from the earth. This could result in net increase
in global warming.”and at the very end of the description:“The greenhouse gases
are typically in the earth’s stratosphere at an altitude of seven to thirteen
kilometers. This suggests that the particle seeding should be done at an
altitude on the order of 10 kilometers. The particles may be seeded by dispersal
from seeding aircraft; one exemplary technique may be via the jet fuel as
suggested by prior work regarding the metallic particles. Once the tiny
particles have been dispersed into the atmosphere, the particles may remain in
suspension for up to one year.” This and more information is available from the
U.S. government Patent Office online
( by simply typing in the above
patent number. I am not saying that Hughes Aircraft technology is in any way
linked to chemtrails, but the timing of this patent and the 1991 spike start in
the state’s water test, along with the physical appearance of chemtrails is
interesting. It is also interesting that the Hughes Patent specifies aluminum
oxide as (thorium oxide as well) a “material”.1988 was the year the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was formed but it was 1990 when
their first climate change report was issued. That report concluded “that the
world had indeed been warming, that the world would be several degrees warmer by
2050 but it would take another ten years to be sure humans were the primary
cause.”Kyoto soon followed but the federal government never took the agreement
seriously. Perhaps a secret alternative to global cooperation was what
washington had in mind when the program began.
If that is true it would
have been Bush Sr. who allowed the program to go forward. Clinton’s eight years
saw an increase in trails but chemtrails today can continue for weeks at a time.