WHEREAS, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL’s) are being sold by many retailers across the state, often in partnership with the local electric utility companies;

   WHEREAS, These CFL’s are being heavily promoted by many high-profile officials and celebrities as a major weapon against “Global Warming”; 

   WHEREAS, The Environmental Protection Agency has designated these CFL’s as potentially hazardous to public health, due to the mercury vapor that is released if

                         one of them is broken;

   WHEREAS, The Environmental Protection Agency has published procedures that must be followed if a CFL is broken, among which are:

           -- Shut off the heat or air-conditioning in the room, open windows and leave room for 15 minutes, allowing mercury vapors to dissipate.

           -- If the bulb breaks on a smooth surface, scoop up the fragments with a stiff piece of paper or cardboard and place everything in a lidded glass jar or sealed plastic

               bag. If it breaks on carpeting, carefully pick-up the fragments.

           -- Use duct tape to pick up remaining fragments. Place the tape in a sealed jar or sealed bag.

           -- For smooth surfaces, wipe the area clean with damp paper towel or disposable wet-wipes and place it in a sealed jar or sealed plastic bag.  

           -- For carpeting, vacuum until all fragments and powder are gone. Remove the vacuum bag and place it in a sealed plastic bag.

           -- Immediately put all sealed plastic bags with clean up materials in an outdoor trash can.  

           -- Wash hands immediately.

           --  **The next several times you vacuum the area, turn off the heat or air-conditioning and open the windows before you start.

           -- **Keep the heat and AC off and windows open for 15 minutes after vacuuming.

   WHEREAS, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are thus dangerous to keep in our homes without proper warnings and end-of-life procedures;

   WHEREAS, We have a right and a need, for public health and safety, to be fully informed about the hazards of CFL’s before buying them;


   THEREFORE, we the undersigned demand posting of full EPA warnings and procedures wherever Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are sold; 

   THEREFORE, we the undersigned demand full accountability to be assessed against anyone selling these hazardous CFL’s, without the proper warnings and procedures

                              posted, for any harm caused by them.



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