Reply To: Birds missing in Canada and New Zealand – 05/02/2006

November 23, 2013 at 11:34 pm #1199

from bridget – 05/02/2006

Hi M. Davis
I too, in 50 plus years have never seen such happenings.
In your county you will have a public drinking water safety department.
Here it is Dept of Environmental Quality.

I have been urging people to get the public records. This would be records (data) from surface water, pretreatment.

It should contain a large amount of data in spreadsheet form. If you do get the information and don’t have or don’t use excel, many of us will put in the right fields and parameters for you. It should be about 10,000 lines of information.

This has been quite difficult to come by here in Phoenix, AZ.

I am continuing to peruse this information. It is a longish story; suffice it to say they are hiding information.

Yes, what we are seeing is muti-faceted, surrounding “weather modification”, haarp not being the least of the ugly mix.

Two years ago we had (guessing) hundreds of geckos. Now we don’t have any. They were our little exterminators; we’ll see what comes down the road next.

I’d be doing almost anything besides working this issue, but what choice do we have. We (50plus) folks are the people with a frame of reference, we know better.
Best to you,