Reply To: Bighorn sheep in California – 08/15/2005

October 30, 2013 at 7:44 pm #904

from bridget – 08/19/2005′, ‘Hi Folks
All kinds of epidemics brewing.
There is no small measure of irony that these ‘epidemics’ have
escaladed since "weather modification" began in earnest, in the fall
of 1998.
I really don’t know anything for sure, but that is the salt to the
wound ~ being kept in the dark about the very things which we can
witness with our own God given eyes.
California & the West
Scientists concerned as two more bighorn sheep die from pneumonia
Associated Press

PALM DESERT, Calif. – Pneumonia has killed two more Peninsular
bighorn sheep and scientists say they fear an epidemic is brewing
that could wipe out the endangered species.
The sheep, one a yearling, were found Saturday and Monday in the
northern Santa Rosa Mountains, said Jim DeForge, director of the
nonprofit Bighorn Institute.
That makes seven deaths in less than three weeks among a population
of just 705 animals.
"Our big concern is that, with this relatively large number of
deaths due to pneumonia, we’re at the beginning of an epidemic,"
said Walter Boyce, director of the UC Davis Wildlife Health Center.
There are concerns that pneumonia may have killed an entire
generation of sheep.
"We have in the northern Santa Rosas 15 yearling rams and we can’t
find but one or two of them," DeForge said.
It was unclear whether the pneumonia was being spread by an insect
or sheep-to-sheep, Boyce said.
"We have to figure out what the cause is and that will determine
what management options we have," Boyce said.
Boyce said some good news was received Wednesday when a biologist
making an aerial survey of the mountains got signals from about 50
sheep wearing radio collars.
Peninsular bighorn sheep roam the desert mountain slopes, canyons
and washes from the Palm Springs area south into Baja California.
Their lifespan is 12 to 14 years.
The sheep, who numbered around 1,200 in the 1970s declined to about
280 by 1996. They rebounded after they were designated an endangered
species in 1998.