Alert! Monster tornados causing massive destruction, killer droughts afflicting huge but well-defined regions, like the one precisely within the state borders of Texas, unexplained animal die-offs in huge numbers, forest fires more fierce than ever experienced before, melting polar ice, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis of suspicious origins and unusual signatures, shattered immune systems, and an unpublished pandemic of new auto-immune …
While everyone continues to be in turmoil due to scary health issues, real but frightening, there is a more disastrous act playing out in our skies, oceans and land. Morgellons, swine flu, the economy and finally the coup d’etat, global warming / climate change: Are you frightened yet?
Being “Green” and what it is costing you and your families
Defenders of Wildlife and Mr. Green Gore list the compact florescent light bulbs as their first ‘bullet point’ for being “green” and what you can do to stop global warming: