Whales in Tasmania – 10/25/2005

  • November 22, 2013 at 3:23 am #1069

    — In pac-pc@yahoogroups.com, Bridget wrote:

    Hi All
    I wonder what the records show for histories regarding these mammal
    death anomalies. Some people say things like,” Oh, they have always
    done this” but where is the real record keeping.
    As time permits; (house, kids, dogs, health!!) I’ll try and dig up
    some actual figures.
    I am so grateful we have each other. Something is going on and it
    ain’t good.
    What really hurts is our lack of trust of the very sources for
    protection, we once took for granted.

    Whales die in mass Tasmanian stranding

    Most of a group of 70 pilot whales and other dolphins stranded on
    Tasmania’s south coast have died before help could arrive.
    Authorities say rescuers are working to save the remainder of the
    group, spotted by a fisherman about 11am (AEDT) on Monday.
    Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Liz Wren said most of the mammals
    were dead when officers reached the site of the stranding at Marion
    Bay, about 60km east of Hobart.

    However, she could not say exactly how many had died.
    Most of the dolphins beached themselves at a spot known as the
    southern Marion Narrows, a location inaccessible by road.
    Eight others were found on the northern Narrows.

    Ms Wren said rescuers would stay at the scene to keep the animals in
    the water. Marion Bay was the sight of a major whale stranding about four years

    Pilot whales – a member of the dolphin family – are one of the most
    commonly stranded species in Tasmanian waters.

    According to the Department of Primary Industries, Water and
    Environment, 68 stranding occasions involving 2,768 pilots whales
    were recorded up to October 2003.

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