January 3, 2014 at 10:25 pm #2062
KeymasterMassive Fish Kill Outside Tokyo Described As Apocalyptic
Posted by Alexander Higgins – June 6, 2012 at 4:36 pm – Permalink – Source via Alexander Higgins BlogA massive fish kill that looks ‘somewhat Apocalyptic’ is reported to being filling the water with ‘blanket of sardines’ in Isumi City just outside of Tokyo.
Several dozen tons dead fish began filling up the Japanese port city of Isumi located in Chiba Prefecture just outside of Tokyo on June 2nd and has continued unabated since according to reports.
Numerous photos of the incident are circulating on Twitter along with reports of rancid odor permeating from the city and into nearby towns.
The fish kill is being described as a blanket of sardines in the water that is somewhat Apocalyptic.
Apocalyptic Massive Fish Kill Outside Of Tokyo
Rocket news reports:Something fishy’s going on in a fishing port in Japan, literally – and tons and tons of it too!
Something terribly fishy is going on at the fishing port of Ohara (pronounced Oh-hara) in Isumi City of Chiba Prefecture, and it has nothing to do with espionage or political corruption. There are tons and tons of dead sardines washing up on the shore, and not only is the sight disturbing, but the huge amount of dead fish is literally smelling up the entire surrounding area.
According to the news, the dead fish started washing up around noon of June 3rd, and as of early afternoon on June 4th, the situation still remained pretty much out of control. The amount of dead sardines that has washed up is thought to total several dozen metrics tons, so you can imagine how bad the smell of rotting fish must be.
We’ve seen the pictures uploaded onto Twitter, and the port looks completely filled with fish – it almost looks like a carpet of sardines.
Source: Twitter @yumihareyama (Japanese), Twitter @ryoshikobo (Japanese)
Source: http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2012/06/06/massive-fish-kill-tokyo-apocalyptic-141861/
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