Horse disease in Montana & Wyoming – 08/20/2005

  • November 1, 2013 at 8:03 pm #908

    Hi from Phoenix
    This is a continuing SAD situation. Elk, long hornsheep massive
    numbers of marine life, gosh there is plenty of information right
    here and I don’t think we have caught all the breaking news with
    regards to the decline of nature, plus not to forget our own
    declining health.

    Who, pray tell, will begin to connect the dots?
    Best to all,

    Billings horse sales postponed because of infectious disease
    By The Associated Press

    BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — An outbreak of infectious vesicular
    stomatitis in Montana and Wyoming has prompted postponement of two
    horse sales planned here, officials said Thursday.

    The Billings Livestock Horse Sales had been planned later yet this
    month and in September.

    BLS President Pat Goggins of Billings said he consulted
    veterinarians in Montana and other states before deciding to delay
    the sales until the disease has passed.

    “We feel that at this time, with the vector season in full swing, no
    consignment horse sales should be held, period,” Goggins said. He
    also owns PAYS Auction Yards in Billings. All the horse sales are
    held at BLS.
    Saliva and fluids from an infected animal can infect other
    livestock. Flies also are suspected carriers. That’s why the BLS
    horse sales will be postponed until a good fly-killing frost occurs.

    Sale managers Bill and Jann Parker said they sell nearly 8,000
    horses per year.

    “As the largest horse sale in the West, while it may be costly to us
    to postpone our events, it will be beneficial to you, our consignors
    and our buyers, to have the confidence in the health and safety of
    your animals,” Parker said.

    VS cases have also been documented in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and
    Arizona. Texas had cases earlier this summer.

    “We just feel that it is in the best interest of the industry to
    take a lead on this,” Jann Parker said. “And we hope others will

    BLS’ three-day sale starting Oct. 28 and the sale at the end of
    November will be held as scheduled and expanded to accommodate the
    two summer sales being postponed.

    In Wyoming, horses and a cow appear to be infected with VS. In
    Montana, VS has been confirmed in horses in five areas around Laurel
    and Billings in Yellowstone County.

    Results from blood tests from animals in 19 other areas are pending,
    said State Veterinarian Tom Linfield of the Department of Livestock.

    VS is a close relative to the hoof-and-mouth disease. The symptoms
    of excessive drooling and severe lesions on noses, in mouths and
    around the hooves are identical between VS and hoof-and-mouth. The
    federal Department of Agriculture requires suspected outbreaks of VS
    to be reported by livestock owners and veterinarians.

    VS also can be contracted by goats, sheep, pigs, alpacas and llamas
    but is rarely fatal, although VS can cause severe weight loss
    because the mouth sores make eating and drinking painful. In humans,
    it can cause a flu-like illness.

    Animals arriving for state fairs in both Montana and Wyoming have
    been visually inspected for VS symptoms.

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