Homing pigeons – from rocky – 06/17/2006

  • November 25, 2013 at 12:42 am #1237

    Microwaves can be heard. HAARP can put out a vlf or even an elf using
    resonate DC carrier wave. Remember the human body is electro-
    mechanical and operates between 4-14 hz.


    Dear Sir, Madam, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
    For your information.

    Best regards,
    Klaus Rudolph
    Citizens’ Initiative Omega



    Here’s some information on bioeffects of EMFs…on more than just
    birds! (from a chapter in my publication, “Bioelectromagnetics 2002:
    Health Effects Update”, on my website

    Best Wishes for the New Year,

    Jim Beal
    EMF Interface Consulting

    Birds, Bees, Bat-Rays, Butterflies & Buzzards (?): Electrosensory


    In the Austin American Statesman, Austin Texas paper of October 8,
    1998, appeared the following article:


    Homing pigeons, as the name suggests, are supposed to find their way
    home. But more than 2,000 of the creatures have disappeared this week
    and no one can explain it.

    The birds lost their way during two separate homing pigeon races held
    Monday. Out of 1,800 birds competing in a 200-mile race from New
    Market, VA to Allentown, PA, about 1,500 have vanished. And in a 159-
    mile race from western Pennsylvania to suburban Philadelphia, 700 out
    of 900 pigeons are missing.

    Most of the pigeons would have been back in their lofts within a few
    hours. Although it’s not unusual to lose a few birds during a race —
    a hungry hawk, for example, might snag a few racers — this week’s
    loss is extraordinary, organizers of the two events say. “There is
    something in the air,” said Gary Moore, who was the “liberator” for
    the 150-mile race, deciding when and where the birds were
    released. “To lose this many is just unbelievable.”

    Was it sun spots? A UFO? The currents of El Nino?

    It’s hard to come up with an answer pigeon enthusiasts say, because
    no one knows how homing pigeons do what they do.

    >>Disagree here, because lots of research on pigeon homing
    capabilities has been done. It has been determined that pigeons use
    about 3 methods 1) visual cues during the day; 2) geoelectromagnetic
    hints, & 3) star patterns at night. Blinded pigeons — or pigeons in
    a fog — still get home and “windmill” slowly in to a landing.
    Blinded pigeons with tiny permanent magnets attached to their heads
    produced totally confused birds!……

    Moore’s theory is that the disappearance may have something to do
    with CELLULAR PHONE ACTIVITY (my emphasis…jb). It’s widely accepted
    that the pigeons use electromagnetic fields to help the navigate and
    cellular phone calls might interfere with that process, he

    Most long-distance races are held on weekends when cellular phone
    activity is lower. But the two races in question were postponed from
    Sunday to Monday because of rain.

    Sun spots also can send the pigeons off course, but the sun activity
    that day was low, organizers say.

    Jim Effting, who lost 34 of the 37 birds he entered in the race to
    Allentown, also thinks that something very peculiar must have messed
    up the birds’ innate tracking systems. He says the birds took a wrong
    turn and could be in North Carolina by now. The three racers of his
    that finally made it home arrived Tuesday afternoon. They were
    exhausted, and it was obvious they had been flying lost for hours,
    said Effting, who lives in Emmaus, PA.

    What’s certain is that with each passing day, the chances that the
    birds will survive are decreasing. Unlike their wild pigeon brethren,
    these speed machines don’t know how to feed themselves in the wild
    and are easy prey.

    Editorial Note: An interesting supporting article appeared in the
    proceedings of a symposium and workshop held in Snowmass-at-Aspen CO,
    in 1973 [1] and sponsored by the National Science Foundation in
    concert with the Neuroelectric Society, the International Institute
    for Medical and Biological Engineering, Marquette University and The
    Medical College of Wisconsin:

    There is an important chapter in the Proceedings about the action of
    large flocks of blackbirds and starlings, where hundreds of birds all
    turn, in milliseconds, and NONE OF THEM COLLIDE [1]. The video shown
    at the conference illustrated the rapid twisting and turning as the
    flock few in close formation. VERY impressive…as though all were of
    one mind! There was no twisting or wave motion indicative of visual
    or auditory cues! It was theorized that the birds used some sort of
    proximity detection sensory system based on microwave phenomena,
    since the structure of bird feathers was somehow related to microwave
    antennae! (also see [2])

    ABSTRACT: [1]

    The apparently synchronous turning and wheeling of flocks of several
    bird species, particularly starlings (Sternus vulgaris), has long
    been a phenomena of curiosity and interest.

    The recent series of reports suggesting that birds may be able to
    detect the earth’s magnetic field makes the hypothesis that turning
    movements in bird flocks may be coordinated by electromagnetic means
    more attractive. Such a signal would be instantaneous, could reach
    all birds in the flock regardless of their position relative to the
    signal source, and could carry sufficient information for turning

    Analysis of films of turning flocks of birds and experimental studies
    of startle reaction times in birds in our laboratories have suggested
    that the electromagnetic radiation model could provide a parsimonious
    explanation for the observed behavior of the birds.

    There are several other presentations in the above book, relative to
    microwave sensitivity of living systems to extremely low intensity
    fields, and I remember one chapter in particular in this area by Dr.
    C. Romero-Sierra and J. Bigu del Blanco, Dept of Anatomy, of Queen’s
    College in Kingston, Ontario [3].

    The above book, while expensive is worth having as an excellent early
    reference to bioeffects of electric field gradients, magnetic fields,
    microwave, and air ion effects.

    Buzzards (?):

    I have noted an interesting phenomenon about 8 miles south-southeast
    of here (Wimberley, Texas). This tower, each morning and afternoon
    all summer, has been a prime roosting spot on every cross-member for
    dozens of vultures (turkey buzzards)!! They may be getting an EMF
    radiation buzz and/or may be waiting for something to die! Seems
    quite symbolic, in several ways, of this whole microwave
    communication and cellphone long-term bioeffects situation. (Please
    keep in mind that it has long been known that selected EMF pulse
    rates, waveforms and frequencies have healing, sedation and emotion-
    evoking capabilities). I have noted many communication towers in my
    travels and have seldom seen birds on any of them. This is the first
    tower I have noted with so many birds and all of the same species.
    This might also be a good example of how one can make snap decisions,
    based on insufficient data and reach erroneous conclusions. Since I
    have not familiar with buzzard habits, it may be that the tower is
    just a convenient elevated roost, on a hill near a highway, where
    good road-kill scavenging is available. Canada help wondering

    Email response to above, from: Bert Dumpe , 11
    Nov 1998:

    Jim: I reported on the birds. The story you report verbatim as it
    appeared in the Washington Post seems to have been edited. The
    initial WP report put the number of the original population of birds
    starting the race at 3000. In addition, from their release point in
    Virginia, the birds were traveling to various destinations; a town in
    New Jersey, Brooklyn, NY, Allentown and Pittsburgh, PA. Most of the
    birds were lost enroute, and a HANDFUL alighted on property along the
    way or deviation thereto. Rest of the birds were not found, which
    remains the case to date.

    Generally the FIRST report of an incident is the most factual.
    Thereafter, the cover-up starts and the story is watered down and
    factual omissions prevail. This seems to be the case in the Texas
    version of the story. For instance, when the story broke, the bird
    racers positively stated that (paraphrased) “the electromagnetic RF
    emissions from cellphone devices and antennas changed the aerosol,
    which would affect the birds’ sense of direction.” This positive
    statement is from people who study bird biology and have sufficient
    knowledge to know “what environmental pollutants or objects would
    interfere with the birds’ mission and hinder the chances of a
    successful race.”

    Re your statement of the “vultures.” Interesting, and unusual. Can
    you send me copies of any pictures you take? This is unusual because
    generally birds (warm red-blooded) have been avoiding microwave
    towers, and often when they do alight on the towers large numbers of
    birds are found on the ground dead. Creatures normally found on
    towers, up to the height of the antennas, are roaches (cold-blooded).
    Your hypothesis is probably correct; “the vultures sense death in the
    air.” Sometime ago in one of my newsletters, I reported that birds
    migrating to Capistrano and points south for the winter disappeared
    over New Mexico. It is altogether possible that as well as
    disappearing, the birds are merely falling from the sky as has been
    reported in various places. In addition, any birds that would pass
    over the towers will be half dead and easy prey. This is also a
    reported fact.

    As for research on the magnetite in the head of birds, which I
    mentioned when this lost birds story was reported, this has already
    been done extensively. In fact, Kaune the researcher who co-authored
    the Linet NCI powerline study, was one of those who researched this.
    And you know what this turncoat said about powerline emissions being
    benign. Researchers at Johns Hopkins and elsewhere already researched
    biomagnitite in the brain of animals and humans. With the loss of
    birds, death and deformity of reptiles (e.g., frogs, lizards) one had
    to be pretty thickheaded, a real bozo, or terribly dishonest not to
    know that electrification of the air is deadly. The worst is yet to

    Bees, Bat-rays and Butterflies:

    Alasdair Philips , 21 Nov 1998

    Our cheap transistor radios can pick up and separate out hundreds of
    radio signals at levels of a few hundreds of microvolts/metre. More
    sophisticated communications receivers can work down to levels of
    about 10 microvolts/metre. Radio-astronomers work on informational
    signals from stars at less than 1 microvolt/metre – this is a power
    level of about 0.000 000 000 001 microwatt/cm2 (1 attowatt/cm2 !!).
    We can now detect and create pictures from signals from spacecraft at
    our outer planets using transmit powers similar to those use by
    mobile phones of a few watts!

    Honeybees have been shown to be sensitive to magnetic flux
    differences of 1 nanotesla (10 microGauss) [4][Theoretically humans
    could also be sensitive down to less than this level (pineal thermal
    noise c. 0.24 nanotesla – Smith, 1985). Various sea creatures can
    detect voltage gradients of a few 10’s of microvolts/metre.

    Biological stochastic resonance from regular pulsing EMFs can
    effectively amplify coherent signals (like power EMFs) by vast

    What arrogant nonsense to suggest that living systems need to
    be “cooked” before they realize they are being bombarded by signals
    and that microwaves of 100 volts/metre are harmless to us.

    On your butterfly question…many years ago (c.1969) I went to a
    Friday evening London ‘Royal Institution’ lecture by Professor Eric
    Laithwhaite of Imperial College London – the guy who developed the
    principle of the linear electric motor which is now widely used –
    whose hobby was/is butterflies and moths. At the time everyone was
    talking about pheromones, and undoubtedly these are used in the
    mating attraction process, however…he discovered that if the female
    (I think) was enclosed in a sealed plastic box the mates still
    appeared from long distances away, but if she was enclosed in a
    (electromagnetically screened) Faraday cage full of air holes only
    butterflies who were very close were still attracted. He repeated
    these experiments on many occasions and came to the conclusion that
    the patterns on the butterflies wings were actually tuned circuits in
    the very high microwave region (far-far-infra red) and each variety
    had its own unique RF/microwave signature enabling mates of the same
    variety to home in using their antennae and own wing resonators as
    tuning selectors. The main energy probably came from the sunlight
    possibly modulated by wing flapping.

    Our mainstream, crude, gross, simplification of life into simple
    electro-chemical building blocks completely misses the mysteries of
    what “life” is and how sensitive it can be if we open ourselves up to
    the amazing, wonderful, cosmic universe in which we live. I do not
    know how we will achieve the paradigm shift in thinking needed but I
    sense that it is slowly starting to happen. I hope so, anyway.
    Matthew Fox (USA) and his Creation Spirituality movement is part of
    the change, along with the deep ecology movement.

    … and I am meant to be a down-to-earth nuts-and-bolts engineer!

    Hang on in there folks!


    1. Llaurado, J. & Sances, A., et al., “Biologic & Clinical Effects of
    Low-Frequency Magnetic & Electric Fields” Springfield, IL, Chas. C.
    Thomas Pub. Co.,1974, Chapter XI, Heppner, F.H., & Haffner,
    J.D., “Communication in Bird Flocks: An Electromagnetic Model”, pgs.
    2. Tanner, J.A., Romero-Sierra, C. and Davie, S.J.: “Non-Thermal
    Effects of Microwave Radiation On Birds.” Nature, 216:1139, 1967.
    3. Llaurado, J. & Sances, A., et al., “Biologic & Clinical Effects of
    Low-Frequency Magnetic & Electric Fields” Springfield, IL, Chas. C.
    Thomas Pub. Co.,1974. Chapter IX, Bigu del Blanco, J. & Romero-
    Sierra, C., “Microwave Radiometric Techniques: A Means to Explore the
    Possibility of Communication in Biological Systems”, pgs. 123-136.
    4. Keeton, British Birds, 72, 451-70]
    5. Bastian, J., “Electrosensory Organisms.” Physics Today, pgs 30-37,
    Feb 1994.

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