By Dan Webber, Community Newswire
ENVIRONMENT Bird Thetford, Yesterday, 11:20am
Wildlife experts have today revealed they are baffled by a spate of
dead and lost seabirds found along the north Norfolk coast.
Staff at the Thetford-based British Trust for Ornithology have been
puzzled by the arrival of dozens of shags in inland locations, as
they rarely leave the sea shore.
A number of dead shags, as well as some which were alive but
dangerously underweight, have been found along the coast.
The British Trust for Ornithology was established in 1933 as an
independent, scientific research body to investigate the populations,
movements and ecology of wild birds in the British Isles.
The Trust, a registered charity, now specialises in the design and
implementation of volunteer wild bird surveys.
See for more information.