Reply To: Gulf of mexico dead zone – (pre-katrina) – 08/11/2005

October 30, 2013 at 7:26 pm #893

The beginning of this missive did start with Bill from Mike Salinero is with the Tampa
Tribune in Tampa FL. He (mike) and I spoke yesterday morning and the
following is what I promised to start him with.
Without folks like Bill from SAD and Rocky our own treasure here on
pac-pc, we would be walking around in the dark without direction.
Hello Mike,

Short bio; I am a retired educator from Paradise Valley School
District, in Phoenix Arizona.
Married to my college sweetheart for 27 years, and the mother of 3
grown children.

My deepest concern in these times is the program called "Owning the
Weather by 2025"
Atmospheric spraying has been in operation in earnest since November
1998, which coincidently is the beginning of the numerous marine,
woodland animals, and humane health conundrums.
I have personally witnessed this aerosol crime from coast to coast,
and in fact, reports have been recorded globally, also witnessed by
me as well.
I happily will send you further information in CD and DVD format,
upon request.

The actual data regarding Global Warming, simply does not add up
properly. I do not claim to know what purpose or to what end, this
operation intended. I do know for absolute certain, this operation
continues to exist, and it is without our consent and with dire
consequences which are evidenced in health anomalies in all living
Please understand, I am not an animal rights activist. In fact, I
have never been considered an activist of any kind. This issue,
however, begs the immediate attention of all people who are
concerned about the health and future of our families and
Perhaps "Truth" is too lofty a notion in these governmental post
modern times, but, one must take a stand on the issue of our well
being, if on nothing else.
This is simply the tip of the ice-berg.
Sincerely and best regards,
Bridget C Conroy

Suggested reading: