Geoengineers deny having deployed aerosol programs for
years, however, they propose spraying 10-20 million tons of aluminum oxide
and other toxic chemicals into our sky as stated in numerous geoengineering
patents. Furthermore, lab tests have disclosed extremely high levels
of these metals in ground, water, rain and atmospheric tests around the
world. Blood and urine tests also reveal alarming levels of aluminum,
barium, strontium, cadmium and other chemicals known to cause cancer,
Alzheimers, asthma, heart, kidney and liver damage, increased blood
pressure, brittle bones, severe lung, spleen and intestinal diseases, skin
disorders, mental confusion, blurry vision, extreme hair loss, etc. No purpose justifies these consequences.
Geoengineers boldly state, “Geoengineering
changes in the environment could lead not only to ‘winners and loser’ but
even to conflicts over resources and the potential for migration and instability...”
WHAT? Then perhaps they need to
get out of the business of weather control.
Extreme drought from spraying mega tons of aluminum in our
atmosphere is a result of a failed program.
Public servants and media have kept silent, labeling those who
expose geoengineering "conspiracy theorists." Once this
program is made legal, it will be interesting to see how they will spin
it. Atrocities throughout history
would never have happened if people hadn't kept silent.
County ordinances to stop this program have been initiated due to
increased public awareness.
“The only thing
needed for evil to triumph
for good men to do nothing.” Edmund