Saturday, April 4, 2015
Follow Up to Cell Towers in Los Angeles
Catherine J. Frompovich
Readers may recall my article “Cell Tower Problems to Know About”
published March 28th.
Well, activists in LA have sent me the following incredible email, which I
think everyone should know about insofar as, when citizens get together,
positive things can happen. So, I will allow those who did all the ground work
in LA speak for themselves.
First, Liz Barris,
activist extraordinaire:
In an incredible show of support for human health and life, Los Angeles Police
yesterday stood together with fire fighters to get LA City Council (different
than LA County Board of Supervisors) in a 12-0 unanimous NO for vote against LA RICS
federal cell tower roll out! We must get ALL cities and counties in the
state [California] and the US to follow their lead! Precedent has been set,
this is DO-ABLE! Please see 12 year veteran, ex-Fire Captain, Don Wallace's
note and please forward this email.
Ex-Fire Captain Don
Sending this out to sort of closes this file but throw nothing away! I hope
that the actual Council motion is the last communication required in this saga.
Thank you very much for your successful advocacy against LARics
as foisted on an unaware community and unaware Firefighters by giant
corporations hungry for profit and determined to avoid environmental scrutiny;
abetted by Fire Chiefs lured by "our own free radio system" without a
thought or care for the health and welfare of their brothers, never bothered to
read the conflicting science on electromagnetic radiation and blithely
encouraged the army of corporate consultants with their endorsement of this
scam. Thanks to the political acumen of the City and County Firefighters and
the REVOLT IN TOPANGA among the citizenry which generated the involvement of
the Las Virgenes Homeowners Federation and the
ensuing REVOLT IN CORNELL we were able to prevail...? It is amazing what the
community and the firefighters are able to accomplish together.
Hopefully the consultants will slink away to the dark hole from whence they
spawned... but vast quantities of money are involved. The key word below is
Bulletin 14-15 Unanimous City Council Vote to Suspend LA-RICS
Cell Tower Project
For several years now, the Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications
(LA-RICS) Joint Powers Authority has been planning an
interoperable communications program for public safety agencies in the Los
Angeles region. This project included the placement of as many as 34 cell
towers at LAFD fire stations and the United
Firefighters of Los Angeles City (UFLAC) made our
opposition to LA-RICS well known throughout the
Today, we are proud to tell you that the Los Angeles City Council took a
unanimous 12 to 0 vote mandating that the LA-RICS
Joint Powers Authority immediately stop all plans to construct cell towers at LAFD fire stations and reassess the project. This is a huge
win for our members and the communities that we serve.
U FLAC would like to give thanks to our brothers and sisters at Los Angeles
County Fire Local 1014. Their strong opposition to the LA-RICS
project helped to protect our Firefighters and community by convincing the LA
County Board of Supervisors to suspend the placement of cell towers on LA
County fire station properties. We also give special thanks to LA City
Councilman Mitch Englander, who had the courage to put forward the City of Los
Angeles motion today to suspend the project in our City. Finally, we want to
thank the UFLAC members who took the time to come to
City Council today to support our efforts. Your presence was felt and made a
tremendous difference.
The United Firefighters of Los Angeles City was the only labor group in the
City of Los Angeles to initially take a position of opposition to the placement
of these cell towers on LA property. The Los Angeles County Firefighters Local
1014 was the only labor association in the County of
LA to take a similar early position against the placement of cell towers on County
property. Today, we were proud to be joined by the Los Angeles Police
Protective League (LAPPL) who recently took a
position of opposition to the LA-RICS project and
spoke in favor of the Englander motion to suspend the construction of the cell
towers. It is always great when Firefighters and Police Officers work together
for the common good of our members and the community as a whole.
The United Firefighters of Los Angeles City, our Executive Board, and our
Political Action Committee will continue to advocate for safe working
conditions for all of our members. Thanks to the strong relationships that we
have developed in the City Council, we now have elected leaders who care about
our issues and support our Firefighters.
We thank of the members of UFLAC Local 112 for your
support on this important issue.
Yours in Solidarity,
The above cell tower story is testimony to what can happen when citizens take
back their power, which can be done with all issues affecting our health and
rights as humans and free citizens. This should give encouragement to all to
not let our guard down and to pick up the banner of truth regarding all things
that affect our lives.
Congratulations to all involved.
Catherine retired from researching
and writing, but felt compelled to write this article.
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist
who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences,
Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal
Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines
since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous
books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with
physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a
consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting