More dead dolphin – 04/16/2004

  • September 30, 2013 at 8:16 pm #459

    MIAMI, April 16 (UPI) — Four more dead dolphins have been found in
    shallow Gulf of Mexico waters off the coast of the Florida Panhandle,
    federal wildlife officials said.

    The total number of dead dolphins found since March 10 is 108, the
    Orlando Sentinel reported Friday.

    The most recent dolphin was found Wednesday near the tip of the St.
    Joseph Peninsula near Apalachicola, Fla. The other three were found
    in the same general area in the last week.

    Officials had found another 103 Dolphins during an 18-day period in
    March and another in the interim between the two outbreaks.

    “We thought it was over, but we have been receiving a few more
    animals here and there,” said Blair Mase, fisheries stranding
    coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    in Miami.

    The deaths are being blamed on a neurotoxin released by red tide
    algae, but so far no red tide algae has been found in the area.

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