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Environmental warfare

From SourceWatch

Environmental warfare is "defined as (1) the intentional modification of a system of the natural ecology, such climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) (2) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, (3) as part of strategic or tactical war.

Weapons Developed in Secret

"Environmental war however carried out is almost always a violation of the 1977 United Nations Treaty against modification of the environment. Thus, environmental weapons are developed in secret, and acts of environmental war are carried out covertly, as both environmental weapons and war are illegal under international law. Environmental war is generally carried out as a strategic deception (Psyops).

"Environmental war weapons systems can include chemtrails, chemical weapons systems (climate and weather modification) and electromagtnetic weapons systems (climate and weather modification; seismic warfare).

"Some definitions of environmental war are more broad. For example, the use of Depleted Uranium in the Yugoslavia war has been termed environmental war."

Source: Ecology News.


Reference to "environmental warfare" is often made as to ENMOD for "environmental modification techniques".

"The term for enviromental modification by humans is ENMOD. It refers to altering ocean currents, depletion of the ozone layer or production of greenhouse gases. Since 1946 ENMOD has included weather modification, primarily via cloud seeding in attemptes to remove fog from airports, make it rain and augment snowpacks. In the 1950s, ENMOD held a convention to prohibit nations from using weather modification as a weapon. Since the 1960s governments have tried to alter the upper atmosphere by dumping copper needles into the ionosphere trying to create an artificial ionospheric to enhance the reliability of radio communications. They also tried launching chemicals and suggested bacteries as well for communications enhancements. In the 50s and 60s 300 megatons of nuclear bombs were exploded in the atmospheres which released large amounts of charged and radioactive particles as well as over 40,0000 electromagnetic pulses. Between 1962 and 1983 hurricane modification experiments tried seeding with silver iodide which seemed to reduce peripheral winds by 10%.

"Today radio frequency technology is attempting to use ionospheric heating to change temperature and alter weather. Heating the ionosphere (35 miles above the surface) can have the effect of reducing the air density in the region beneath the heating (as the column of air rises). This would be an effective defense weapon as incoming missiles would lose trajectory and fall short of their mark. Radio waves used to heat the ionosphere would interact with the charged particles found at that altitude. This would create a magnetic phenomena known as a mirror force which would push that section of air upward and outward. The radio waves could change the atmosphere to act as a lense for focusing sunlight and heat a specific part of the earth or manipulate local wind patterns. It could alter jetstream patterns to increase rain in drought areas and even reduce devastating hurricanes. There is a device on the drawing boards to accomplish just this. The caution is that by fooling around with nature, we may unleash irreversible damage and change our entire planet's atmosphere."

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